Lockdown learning
1 min readJul 16, 2020
in no real order of importance — some random thoughts
- we now very clearly, know the difference between our needs and wants.
- read, read, read — best way to spend your spare time. Also recommended is good music and a good movie.
- keep calm, speak to a friend every day, keep spirits up. reach out to the elderly in your family — make maximum use of video calling. they love to see you
- for all those working endless hours from home, don’t. Switch off at 6 p.m. Leadership should ensure no burnout. life goes on; its ok to go a bit easy in these times. keep your flock safe. empathise. avoid headphones.
- nothing is worth your peace of mind. no amount of money or fame
- no amount of “i love you” is enough. don’t let it get cloying though
- the things we miss most are the ones most dear to us
- no mask has been invented for two faced people
- take a day off — do nothing — its ok
- exercise — yoga, spot jogging, anything will do
- when the going gets really tough — there is always rammurthy avare (danish sait)