a river flows through

Maruti Naik
1 min readJul 3, 2023


i visit
the small hill
behind our house
a laterite rock
just at the edge
a lovely perch
the wind obliges
pushes away gently
eavesdropping clouds
leaving me alone
with my thoughts

i see the Zuari
stretched below
winding its way through
paddy just planted
in neat squares and rectangles
getting smaller each year
as the land
gets shared
among more stakeholders

she sheds a tear
as she passes
the mines with excavators
standing silent
deserted, her friend torn apart
the greed of man now sated
for just a bit

she gently
rocks the ponjols
secure ashore
she knows they will be back
when the monsoon
and the fish grow bigger

she pours through banks
of mud still holding strong
across homes
built long ago
and where she has always
found place
in prayers sung
every evening

i cannot see from here
the place where she meets
the ocean
along with her friend
the Mandovi
their paths now blocked
by some smart blokes
the tide carries them ashore

they watch mutely
weighed under
that concrete poured across
their hearts
carrying hordes
chasing an illusion
peace entombed in desolation

I watch
and wonder
the solitude helps
until i hear my aunt
call out
like she has always
as the birds head home

the moon lights up
the path



Maruti Naik

I write to remember. I write to remain honest. I write to leave a bread crumb trail for my daughter. I write to relax. Trying to impress my better half, I write